Didactic workshop

Do activities from which you can learn several concepts, while working in groups and formulation hypothesis.

The baroque altarpieces

You will set up a model of an altarpiece and learn about its structure and composition. You will also identify the characteristic iconography of Roser altarpiece.

The baroque altarpieces

You will work as an archaeologist: Dig in a specially designed scale model, draw and classify the collected materials and interpret the site.

Specially designed for primary school, ESO, Batxillerat and vocational training pupils.

These workshops usually last 2 hours.


Museu Comarcal de Manresa
Via de Sant Ignasi, 36 - 40
08240 Manresa

Tel/Fax 93 874 11 55


"Workshops at the MCM" (in catalan)


Ajuntament de Manresa
Fons europeu de desenvolupament regional
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