Baroque Art

The MCM has a great collection of art specially focussed on the carved and polychromic wooden altarpieces. This vast exhibition, which goes from the 17th to the 18th century, illustrates the Baroque Catalan altarpieces production. In those centuries, Manresa had become an artistic production centre with plenty of workshops and authors that spread the masterpieces all over Catalonia and the south of France.

First floor


Outstanding pieces


Adoration of the three Kings

From the high altar's altarpiece of the Santa Maria de Viladordis church (Manresa)

Paint on wood, end of 16th century.

Christ burial

From the high altar's altarpiece of the Santa Maria de Viladordis church (Manresa)

Paint on wood, end of 16th century.


Pintura sobre taula. s. XVI

Procedència desconeguda, Benet Sanxes Galindo


Thorns coronation

From the Roser altarpiece of the Sant Domènec church (Manresa)

Polychromatic carving, Joan Grau, 1642


From the high altar's altarpiece of El Carme church (Manresa)

Polychromatic carving, Pere Fernàndez, 1621

Shepard's adoration

From the high altar's altarpiece of El Carme church (Manresa)

Oil on canvas, Pere Cuquet, 1654


Shepard's adoration

From the Roser altarpiece of the Sant Domènec church (Manresa)

Polychromatic carving, Joan Grau, 1642

Praying character

Anonymous polychromatic carving, 17th century

Adoració dels reis

Del retaule del Roser de l'església de Rajadell (Bages)

Talla policromada. s.XVIII, Dipòsit fundació ARS - Garriga Mir

Ajuntament de Manresa
Fons europeu de desenvolupament regional
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