
Make a 3000-year tour: From the first cultural evidences of the Neolithic to the end of Romanization and the Visigoth epoch.

Our collection of primitive art's pieces will move you towards different times and several locations of our region; in which fascinating archaeological remains have been found: Sepulchres of Neolithic graves, Megalithic structures from Bronze Age, Visigoth and Iber remains, Roman villas, etc.

First floor


Outstanding pieces


Neolithic jar

Found in Pla del Riu de Les Marcetes, Manresa

Grave sepulchres from year 4000b.C.

Forge casts

Bronze Age

Forge casts

Bronze Age


Guttus. Apulian Greek ceramics

5th century b.C.

Roman mosaics

Found in the Villa of Sant Amanç de Viladés, Rajadell

4th century

Roman mosaics

Found in the Villa of Sant Amanç de Viladés, Rajadell

4th century

Ajuntament de Manresa
Fons europeu de desenvolupament regional
© 2009 Museu Comarcal de Manresa. All rights reserved.
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