En l'àrea d'acollida al visitant us facilitarem tant la informació sobre el museu mateix com sobre altres elements i institucions del patrimoni cultural i artístic de la ciutat i la comarca.
Us orientarem per tal que pugueu completar la vostra estada a Manresa o l'itinerari comarcal que vulgueu fer.

Els Gegants i els Nans de Manresa

En aquest primer espai de rebuda podreu visitar la sala on s.exposen els elements més antics de la imatgeria de la ciutat: els gegants i els nans. Tots ells més que centenaris.

Documentation centre

The Museum holds a documentation centre made up by a bibliographic and documental collection specialized in Art and History particularly related to the museum exhibitions. On one side you can find the MCM library and its bibliographic batch and on the other side there is the MCM archive and its documental batch.

MCM's librar

Situated on the MCM's second floor, the library enables you to develop and intensify the Museum educational, creative, thinking and research activities

The library initially collected a bibliographic batch coming from the old Historical Archive of Manresa. At some stages, more documents coming from donations and personal and institutional donations.

The batch of art comprises a lot of typologies, specially monographies, reference books and quarterly, monthly and weekly publications of art. In the MCM's library you will also find catalogues of the permanent and temporary exhibitions, among with some art auction catalogues and academic works related to the museum exhibitions. You will also have access to some press news, exhibitions' posters and reviews

The library's catalogue is under a computerization process. Next, the videographic batch, newspapers and private collections will be added on its database.

Library has free access. However, borrowing bibliographic material is restricted; we invite you to consult it at the library. Our staff will be pleased to help you with any assessment, research or consultation.

Open form Monday to Friday from 9am to 14pm.

Tourist Information

MCM's Publications, catalogues of the exhibitions and artists that have exposed in the MCM and other editions published by different institutions.

Pl. major, 10
Tel. 93 878 40 90


Dilluns a dijous: de 9 a 14 h.

Divendres: de 9 a 14 h i de 17 a 20 h.
Saturdays from 10am to 14pm and from 17pm to 20pm
Sundays and bank holidays from 10pm to 14pm

Ajuntament de Manresa
Fons europeu de desenvolupament regional
© 2009 Museu Comarcal de Manresa. All rights reserved.
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