Educational service

In order to facilitate the approach to the pieces of art that the museum preserves; the MCM has elaborated some educational material, specially designed for schools. However, this educational material can be also useful for adult groups. According to the territorial aims of the museum, every material and activity is related to the local and regional collections of the MCM.

Offered activities have different forms: guided visits at the MCM, guided tours at Manresa, didactic workshops and role-playing games.. Social and recreational aspects are underlined in all MCM activities, which are also adapted to the different learning levels.

Museu Comarcal de Manresa
Via de Sant Ignasi, 36 - 40
08240 Manresa

Tel/Fax 93 874 11 55

Ajuntament de Manresa
Fons europeu de desenvolupament regional
© 2009 Museu Comarcal de Manresa. All rights reserved.
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